Otherlanders unite!
Yeah, it's Spring but I'm still hibernating. Unfortunately, I have to go to work, so that's not possible. But when I get home, I like to curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and immerse myself in my new obsession: true crime. Awww, lemme guess, I'm not alone in this? ;) At the moment, my favourite goosebump-inducers are dangerous cults and sects. I'll just say Jonestown Massacre. Yeah, I do admit having an uncomfortable gut feeling and a pinch of shame, but since that's the fashion right now, I've put together a few hair-raising cults from the fields of SF, fantasy and horror for you as well. If you're in the mood for sunshine, just skip this introduction and wait until April. In the second trilogy of Glenn Cook's "The Black Company", "The Stranglers" are up to mischief. Incidentally, this cult is loosely based on the real "Thuggee Cult" from India, which formed in the 19th century and is said to worship the Hindu goddess Kali. "The Stranglers" worship "Kina", who is also - how surprising - a goddess of destruction. China Mieville's "Kraken" is a somewhat easier read - here an pickled specimen of the titular eight-armed creature is stolen from a museum. This is a consequence of a veritable underground war between various occult sects. One of them worships squids, sees a Danish historian as their apostle, and considers the stolen specimen to be a God. Okay. In the first chapter of Terry Pratchett's "Guards! Guards!" the author does what he does best: makes us laugh uncontrollably. He introduces so many weird cults and sects that you might accidentally stumble into the wrong top-secret meetings - especially since they all live next door to each other. In Margaret Atwood's "The Year of the Flood", the two main characters immerse themselves in a radical environmental group that has religious tendencies and calls itself "The Gardeners", although technically no one is brainwashed here, so it's difficult to define it as a cult. Sometimes the boundaries are blurred, as with the extremely popular "Parable of the Sower" by Octavia Butler. It's actually about a young woman who struggles through apocalyptic America and tries to retain her humanity. She achieves this by founding a new religion, which is beautiful in itself, but definitely has cult tendencies.
In Emma Newman's "Planetfall" and "After Atlas", the cult "The Circle" leaves Earth in search of God, and in Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange World", a man returns to Earth from Mars, takes a close look at all religions and then founds his own church, in which polyamorous sex is considered a top priority. The book is quite explicit for its year of publication, 1961, but has not aged particularly well. Few writers have used cults and sects with as much relish as Lovecraft. He not only presents us with the cannibalistic de La Poer family cult and the classic Chthulhu cult (ah, here we go again with the Great Old Ones...), but there are also witch cults and voodoo groups. It's almost like he's tampering with everything that makes a good cult, isn't it? "Rosemary's Baby" by Ira Levin is a CULT classic (pun intended), but I'd be spoiling it if I said why. And the superb "Last Days" by Brian Evenson follows a kidnapped detective deep into the depraved turmoil of a cult that believes amputations bring you closer to God. Wasn't there a strange bit in one of the "Eragon" books where a couple of weirdos did the same thing? Finally, I recommend Katherine Dunn's wonderfully dark "Geek Love". Because strange cults can sometimes form within a family.
So, enough gloom for now, spring is here and we need to gather all our strength for the sunshine and happiness that awaits us the day after tomorrow. Then there will finally be endless fun and optimistic introductions again!
Stay strong my friends,
Esther from the Otherland
(not a cult)